The general objective of the Group “POPULATION ECONOMICS AND LABOR MARKET” is to develop innovative microeconomic analyzes, both from a theoretical and empirical point of view, on:
- the behaviors of the population and families as consumers of consumer goods and suppliers of resources to society (eg paid work, unpaid work …),
- the behavior of the productive units in the industry as factor demanders and product suppliers,
- interactions in markets, particularly in the labor market and, finally,
- the indicators of individual and global well-being derived from previous behaviors.
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-Final report: Research Groups 2020-2022
You can access the final report of the Government of Aragón Research Group over the period 2020-2022 here.
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Transversal Complementary Activity: “Tengo un idea, ¿Y yo, puedo ser emprendedor/a?”, by Raquel Ortega. https://catedraemprender.unizar.es/tengo-una-idea-y-yo-puedo-ser-emprendedor-a/